everyday solutions for effective studying Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:18:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Guide on How to Do Homework With ADHD: 11 Tips You Must Not Forget Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:25:44 +0000 Success in homework calls for focus and concentration to determine the relationship between various concepts. With a high amount of activity and struggle to master attention, homework may prove a dull, draining task. However you can always receive professional help online:

Here, we will look at how to get homework done with ADHD and secure decent results. 

How to do homework with ADHD

ADHD and homework often prove an incompatible match with many students failing to complete an iota of assignments. Although many may attribute this failure to laziness, it is often the result of boredom and a conflict of interests.

Some of the tips that we recommend for ADHD include:

  1. Form a study group

A study group can help you master your focus and study for long periods without giving in to various distractions. Study groups bring together people with a wide range of skills, reducing the hardships that could often result in slowed productivity.

This allows you to stay engaged in the work and thus results in more productivity within your scheduled study sessions. 

  1. Employ the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique ranks top among various ADHD homework strategies. Since you could struggle with focusing over long spans, it is advisable to study in short spurts and space your sessions with breaks. 

The breaks allow you to recharge, mustering all your focus for the next session. As a result, you end up doing more over time as opposed to handling long sessions without breaks.

  1. Create a study spot

Distractions rank top among various ADHD homework struggles. Social media, television programs, and surrounding noises may quickly grab your attention, side-tracking your study efforts. 

It is thus best to make a study spot free of these distractions to focus all your attention to study. You may also opt to invest in noise-blocking headphones to curb surrounding noises.

  1. Space your study sessions with entertaining activity

An activity between study sessions can help let off steam, ensuring your study without various distractions. 

  1. Have a consistent schedule

Habit also comes in handy to control ADHD. Ideally, form a regular schedule of study to program your mind for the task you shall be handled at various moments. When making the schedule, it is great to start working on assignments as soon as you leave class.

This will help you overcome conflicting interests, reducing the likelihood of procrastination.

  1. Employ entertaining learning strategies

A change of learning strategies may also be a productive way to master your focus. Seek how various tasks in your assignments and revision can be gamified to grab your attention and keep you engaged, leading to heightened comprehension and recall.

  1. Medication

If you are suffering from severe ADHD, you may consult your doctor for short-acting medication to gain calm during your study sessions. However, refrain from over-the-counter drugs as these can easily develop an addiction if misused. 

Also, consult your doctor for alternatives, with medicine ranking as the last resort for your homework problems. 

  1. Start with easy tasks

Planning easy tasks early on your schedule is among the best tips on how to start homework with ADHD. This approach will help you gain momentum by feeling pride in your ability in a subject. 

Conversely, challenging tasks may cause you to question your abilities, in turn, causing you to deviate from your assignment. 

  1. Employ incremental rewards

Having something to look forward to after an assignment can serve as an impetus to see you through your task. For instance, plan for an outing to your favorite spot if you manage to complete an assignment.

When working towards this goal, you will find it easier to focus in anticipation of the reward. The reward should not necessarily be a grand item but could also be a small item that you enjoy. 

  1. Get a tutor

When attention is hard to master, it is essential to cut off stumbling blocks that may hinder your motivation toward a task. A tutor is a great resource to help overcome various challenges and see your assignment through.

Some tutors may even go the extra mile to diagnose challenges in your study approach, helping you adopt a more productive schedule. 

  1. Chunk your tasks into small portions

Huge assignments may often seem overwhelming, inspiring procrastination. To maneuver this, chunk your tasks into smaller portions and schedule each for a separate session.

This approach will motivate you to handle the tasks and ensure that you can manage your assignments without losing focus. 

Final take

Handling homework with ADHD often proves an uphill struggle. These tips should come in handy to help you manage homework and increase your productivity during the study.

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How to Be Confident in School: 10 Ways to Build Confidence Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:25:30 +0000 Exposure to a new environment and challenging tests and content often inspires doubt among students. These doubts may result in low confidence, impairing a learner’s capacity to study. 

Conversely, confident students can take on various challenges they encounter during their study and thus secure a decent score. This article will guide you on building student confidence, to ensure a positive mindset for your academic success. 

What does it mean to be confident?

At this juncture, you might be wondering: What does confidence look like? Confident students:

  • Have the drive to try and tackle challenging assignments
  • Share their thoughts in class without fear of being wrong 
  • Appreciate feedback from their teachers
  • Explore various ideas ahead of their tutors
  • Celebrate their achievements
  • Set reasonable targets as they are well aware of their capabilities
  • Are comfortable asking for help in their weak areas

Many people assume that student confidence equates to the ability to handle one’s activities by yourself. However, this is not the case. Confidence in students is the ability to acknowledge their weaknesses and abilities and participate in learning activities without the shame of their weaknesses. 

How to be more confident in school

If you are a teacher or a student struggling with low confidence, here are some tips that could help restore your confidence. 

  1. Set goals

Goals are a great way to track your progress and record your achievements. Setting SMART goals that are within your reach boosts your self-confidence upon the achievement of these targets. 

Goals also reduce harsh comparisons, allowing you to progress at your pace and avoid self-loathing mentalities associated with chasing imaginary ideals.

  1. Remember your victories

Often, we tend to discount our past victories and illuminate our failures, overshadowing our achievements with negativity. The best way to boost your confidence as a student is to remind yourself of your former success when you encounter challenges.

If a unit is proving hard to wrap your head about, remind yourself of a previous scenario where you started poor and emerged a victor after practice. Doing this will help you overcome self-pity and overcome failure through continuous practice. 

  1. Quit making comparisons

Often, we may feel inclined to compare ourselves with peers we hold in high regard. This only makes us belittle our efforts when we fail to match the performance of our peers, a downward spiral leading to low self-confidence.

You should set targets for each subject and ensure that these targets are within your reach. This will allow you to appreciate the improvement and to improve upon yourself without various pressures. 

  1. Acknowledge your abilities

There is no point in beating yourself up over the things you can’t do. This is usually a negative trick our mind plays on us, discounting our abilities in comparison with others. 

If you are poor at athletics, your capacity for chess is an equally amazing trait. If maths is not your forte, your creative writing capacity is something to hold pride in. However, appreciate your limits and employ an attitude to learn in challenging areas as, alike your strengths, your weaknesses can be improved upon if worked on. 

  1. Reward yourself

Rewards are a great way to acknowledge achievement and to gain motivation to tackle more challenging encounters. When setting goals, plan for a reward if you manage your set goals. This approach will allow you to overcome self-loathing and identify that you made progress in various fields even though you struggled in some areas. 

  1. Keep a record of your progress

The secret on how to have confidence in school is to record your progress. When you feel like a failure, you can easily come back to your progress record and see your continued improvement, restoring your self-assurance.

  1. Make like-minded friends

Good friends are a good buffer to replenish your confidence reserves in periods when they are running low. Friends can remind you of your amazing characters, making you feel valued and worthy. 

Friends also share your burdens, allowing you to overcome challenging topics, without resolving to despair. 

  1. Get help with challenging tasks

When you are handling challenging tasks, reach out to experts for help. This will help you identify your weaknesses and thus manage similar problems in the future, without suffering despair. 

  1. Give positive feedback and encouragement

If you are a teacher, we recommend that you give positive feedback to students, helping them recognize their victories. Equivalently, identify their weakness and encourage them to take action towards improvement instead of embarrassing them for their inabilities. 

  1. Build up on concepts

Another great approach to overcoming self-doubt is by approaching challenging concepts from fundamentals and building up towards the tougher tasks. This approach will allow you to take on challenges within your capacity, helping reduce the failure and despair associated with demanding challenges. 

Final take

We hope that these tips on how to increase student confidence help you assuage your challenges and boost your confidence during the study. Feel free to consult our team for guidance in your academic journey and custom help with various challenging concepts.

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Professional Tips for Note Taking Based on Your Learning Style Wed, 27 Jul 2022 16:01:46 +0000 The value of notes is in their capacity to help you develop your thoughts, highlight connections between various ideas and spark new ideas from your documented work. Good notes influence your capacity for comprehension and recall, making it easier to revise classwork.

Unfortunately, many students go at note-taking as if they were on a marathon to jot down each word that spews from their tutor. This results in stacks and stacks of books that make it hard to find the key ideas in various sections leave alone to highlight the connection between various concepts. 

This article will tackle various tips for note-taking for different types of learners. This guide will help you gain objectivity when taking your notes and ensure that you boost recall and comprehension. 

Creative note-taking ideas

The key to note-taking is to understand the medium through which you learn best. Some learners, for instance, learn better from listening to recordings while others depend on visual content.

Before settling on any particular approach for note taking, apply varied methods and take tests to determine the best method for you. Without further ado, let’s investigate various note-taking methods you could employ.

Note taking for visual learners

Visual learners are those who rely on pictorial presentations to grasp various concepts. Some characteristics of visual learners include:

  • learns best with visual representations
  • tend to visualize ideas to make meaning of ideas
  • easily distracted when the lecture method is used without aids

Visual note-taking method: Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is an effective note-taking style for the visual learner. This approach relates the central idea to other concepts with branches, helping a learner make a mental image of various concepts. 

You may also couple this approach with color coding to highlight keywords, making it easier to recall a concept in totality. When possible, we recommend that a visual learner consult various videos and charts to find the best illustration of various topics. 

Note taking strategies for auditory learners

Auditory learners often do better with audio as opposed to written words or pictures. As such, this type of learner requires to have summaries of concepts in audio form to enhance their recall capacity.

For this, a learner may acquire a recording device, pay attention to the lecture, and revisit the recording later to make note of the essential content. If no audio is available on a topic, the auditory learner may record themselves reading out the summary of a lesson and easily come back to the summary during revision. 

Note taking tips for kinaesthetic learners

This category of learners employs a hands-on approach to learning and does better with interactive activities. Some of the tactile learner study tips include:

  • act our various ideas to engage your motor memory and boost your recall of ideas via various physical cues
  • Take breaks as you study to retain focus and reflect on various ideas in action
  • Find hand-on activities that allow you to manipulate objects and see how various mechanisms work
  • Draw graphs and flow charts of concepts to further cement your comprehension
  • Take questions of a similar kind over and over again to find patterns in information/calculations and foster a better understanding
  • Study with a partner to get a range of reactions and cues that will come in handy for better recall

Note taking tips for read-write learners

A read-write learner prefers information in print and can easily extract ideas from books as opposed to audio-visual media. Ideally, a read-write learner should employ the Cornell note-taking approach.

The Cornell approach ensures the neatness of your work by organizing your notes into three columns. The left column usually comprises keywords you have come across in a topic while the right column contains the notes taken during a class.

The bottom column provides a summary, allowing for more efficient revision. This approach also makes it easy to connect various topics by keywords, ensuring easier revision. 

Tips for efficient note-taking

  • Practice active listening to determine the key points discussed within a lecture
  • Revise notes with friends to fill in areas you might have missed
  • Connect new ideas with prior knowledge to facilitate easier recall and to build on ideas
  • Have a separate book for each subject to avoid confusion during revision
  • Highlight keywords and phrases in your notes to ensure easier comprehension

Final take

Quality notes are essential for your revision, comprehension, and recall. We hope you have found these tips useful for determining your ideal note-taking style and working towards improving your note-taking approach. 

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Practical Guide on How to Avoid High School Burnout Wed, 27 Jul 2022 14:06:46 +0000 Do you feel as if you’ve lost your academic drive? Are you finding yourself in a struggle to perform tasks that you normally find easy to manage? Read on for some signs of burnout in high school and discover how to get over burnout from school. 

What is high school burnout?

High school burnout is a psychological syndrome characterized by lethargic energy toward any academic activity. Often, this negative mental reaction impairs your capacity to perform the simplest tasks and brings about a lack of motivation and endless exhaustion.

This state often dooms you to low academic engagement, resulting in a negative deviation of your scores. 

Symptoms of an academic burnout

Like all psychological conditions, mental burnout manifests itself gradually and might thus escape your notice until it becomes unbearable. Some of the tell-tale signs of academic burnout include:

  1. Exhaustion

When suffering burnout in high school you may feel tired regardless of the amount of rest you get. This tiredness is best defined when addressing your academics as opposed to other activities. In extreme cases, you may suffer headaches or stress if you try to study. 

  1. Feelings of hopelessness

The lack of motivation is a common sign of struggle. However, burnout may cause you to feel lethargic and hopeless for no apparent reason. When in this state, you tend to downplay your success and magnify your failures, reducing your productivity.

  1. Neglecting responsibility

A common characteristic of academic burnout is the failure to commit to your obligations regardless of the repercussions. Often, you may find yourself prioritizing sleep and other activities at the expense of your classes and assignments.

You may also feel bored of activities that previously gave you joy, slowly detaching from your academic duties. 

How to prevent a high school burnout

Like all ailments, prevention is better than curing high school burnout. The tips in this section should come in handy to prevent exhaustion, ensuring optimal performance:

  1. Engage in activities that bring you joy

Obsessing about academics has its downsides. After spending a substantial amount of time glued to books and ruminating on the negative scores, you may find yourself working so hard and thus, wearing your brain out.

We recommend that you find an activity to partake in daily, letting off steam and ensuring quality sleep. This will allow you to approach each day with fresh energy, ensuring a decent score without various negative repercussions.

  1. Get help

Sometimes, you may have a ton of assignments that encroach on your free time. Instead of burying yourself in these assignments, consider delegating some portions to meet deadlines without compromising your mental well-being.  

For this, you could reach out to expert tutors or consult your friends to chip in on tasks such as editing and proofreading.

  1. Set achievable goals

The pressure we exert on ourselves is often our undoing. When you set over-ambitious goals, you may feel the pressure to go an extra mile, often forfeiting essential breaks.

This may extend to surpassing your sleeping time, a downward spiral bound to result in mental burnout after a short duration. 

  1. Avoid harsh comparisons

The key to life and education is in appreciating your performance and setting goals for yourself as opposed to gauging your success by the performance of peers. Comparisons may often set a fleeting target that you can barely achieve, fostering hopelessness regardless of your improvement.

We thus suggest that you set targets and celebrate your success when you meet your goals. Also, acknowledge your limits and seek the necessary help instead of beating yourself up over your failures. 

How to recover from high school burnout

There’s no need to lose hope if you are caught in a rut and can’t bring yourself to perform the smallest academic tasks. Here is how to deal with school burnout and restore your optimal performance. 

  • Seek help

Since academic burnout is a psychological syndrome, it could help to see a therapist. These experts will diagnose your predicament and guide you towards recuperation. They may also help you determine if you are simply suffering from burnout or a more serious issue.

  • Let go of some responsibilities

After pushing yourself so much, you may feel overwhelmed and incapable of the least commitments. To recover, cut off any obligations that are burdening you and leave yourself to handle the few activities you can do with ease.

You could start by identifying your sources of burnout and delegating these tasks until a time when you are motivated to resume the activities.

  • Recognize your achievements

A life spent ruminating on failures is a life filled with misery. Celebrating your achievements helps you to appreciate your abilities and thus leads to healing over time. 

Final take

High school burnout is an overbearing syndrome many students suffer throughout their studies. We hope that this guide comes in handy to help you overcome and avoid mental exhaustion. Feel free to reach out to us for help if you have more activities that you can wrap your finger around. We will guide you towards academic success without compromising your mental wellness. 

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